Like all Palms, Cataractarums prefer bright indirect light. This plant will not do well in a shadowy corner. Keeping your Palm in a sunroom or in front of a window will keep it happy.
They also prefer warmer temperatures. So keeping them in a room that stays around 60 degrees or higher all year is best.
Cataractarum Palms prefer moist soil at all times. The soil should be evenly damp all the way through, but water should never pool on the surface of the soil, or in the saucer below the plant. Water when the top layer starts to dry out. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Your plant will not be happy.
Due to the slow-growing nature of these plants, their food needs are minimal. Use a half-strength, balanced house plant food monthly during the Spring and Summer and hold off on feeding during the Fall and Winter.