The Anthurium is a tropical plant that grows well indoors. Native to places like Hawaii, these plants sprout beautiful, colored spathes that last for months at a time. They require little care and even when not in bloom will add interest to your home all year.
Keep your Anthurium in a brightly lit location. They are susceptible to sunburn so protecting them from direct light is important. If your plant isn’t producing blooms, or the spathes are small it is an indication that it needs more light.
Warmer temperatures will produce more blooms. When your plant is kept in a cool location it starts to go dormant.
Anthuriums are fairly drought-tolerant if provided adequate humidity levels. Watering when the first 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch should keep your plant happy. Be cautious of how often your water. Anthuriums fleshy roots make them susceptible to root rot if given too much water. Make sure to empty any standing water from under the plant as well.
Give your Anthurium a boost monthly Spring through Summer with a half-strength balanced fertilizer. Hold off on fertilizing during the Fall and Winter. To encourage reblooming, use a plant food higher in phosphorous.