Creating a love and passion for gardening is something that can start in childhood. At English Gardens, we encourage our young customers to get creative in the garden with our Super Sprouts Kid’s Club.
Science Corner
Each week, we’ll share fun and hands-on activities and lessons for kids to learn all about plants and nature.
2020 Science Corner Activities
Little Miss-Gardening with Kids
The Little Dirty Princess
Little Miss’ Garden
Fairy Gardens with Little Miss
Little Miss Planting “Matoes”
Little Miss’ Fun with Fairy Gardens
Water and Harvesting with Little Miss
Make Garden Memories: Stepping Stones with Little Miss
Happy Fall, Ya’ll From Little Miss
Clean Up, Clean Up…Says Little Miss
My Secret Garden
Two Peas in a Pod
“Lett-uce” Plant Some Seeds
Super Sprout Events were held through February of 2020. We hope to start events again soon!