English Gardens Early-Season Vegetable Tips
If the garden’s not too wet, you can start planting cool-season vegetables. Started seedlings can all be planted in containers or the garden. (Keep an eye on freezing temperatures. If so, cover young transplants for temporary protection.)
Started cool weather herbs, such as parsley, chives, and cilantro, can also be planted in the early garden. You’ll enjoy a long harvest from spring through fall with these popular herbs.
Summer meals taste even better with fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. Nothing is more delicious than eating a home-grown tomato fresh from the vine; or grabbing a handful of fragrant herbs to enhance a fish or chicken dish. Plus, you’ll save money at the grocery store and eat healthier.
When planning a vegetable or herb garden, consider these points:
- Determine how much time you want to devote to this hobby. Vegetable gardens will require on-going care: regular watering and fertilizing, weeding and monitoring plants for pests and diseases.
- Figure out what you’re going to grow. Choose fruits and vegetables that you like to eat, or consider trying new ones.
- Select an area that has lots of sunshine – at least six to eight hours a day.
- Plant in rich, organic soil that drains well. If you’re planting in the ground, you may need to amend with compost or other nutrients.
Many vegetables can be grown in containers right on your deck. Try an Earth Box, which produces great results with little effort. Be sure to use a high-quality planting mix specially formulated for containers, such as: Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix or Proven Winners Potting Mix.