Like most succulents, Ponytail Palms prefer bright, indirect light. Rotate your plant periodically so it grows evenly. If your Ponytail Palm starts to get leggy it needs more sunlight. It can also be more susceptible to root rot if not given enough light.
Ponytail Palms are slow-growing, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see much growth throughout the year.
Allow your Ponytail Palm to dry out between waterings. They store water in their bulbous trunk making them drought tolerant. Be careful of over-watering. Check the soil every 2-3 weeks during the spring and summer and once a month during the winter. Only water when the soil is dry all the way through.
Even though these plants are slow growers, giving them a nutritional boost once a month with a balanced house plant fertilizer will help keep them happy.